Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dad Masterbates In Front Of Me

tart yogurt with berries

Well .. from that summer is upon us the chocolate does not go out of fashion .. and so here's a nice fit yogurt cake:)
is not it ..: (I wanted to do something with chocolate, but the yogurt was about to expire and then I tried to make three cakes .. banana strawberry yogurt and berries ..:) I propose the last because it is the tastiest in my opinion .. :). .. then came out really soft and then thanks to my mom that I passed this recipe ..:) she prepared her or whenever I or my other sisters were sick ..:) in the
dients are: 6 scoops of sugar 4 eggs
(scoops of yogurt)
2 pots of yogurt with berries
6 measuring cups flour 1 measure
vegetable oil 1 tablespoon baking

Beat the egg yolks with sugar. Sift the flour and knead with the yeast and olive oil. Stir in the egg yolks with sugar and finally the two pots of yogurt. Work the mixture well, until the whole is not well mixed and bake in preheated oven at 180 to tell you ...:)
?..:) good breakfast ..:) if you have some pieces still ..: D
good Sunday ..;)


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